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セフレ 巨乳 Home 中国地质大学(武汉)西席个东谈主主页系统


代文霞,工学博士,芬兰地球空障碍头所(Finnish Geospatial Research Institute,FGI)同一培养博士,2020年6月毕业于武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国度重心本质室,师从杨必胜训诫。2020年9月以“地大学者”后生优秀东谈主才引进至中国地质大学(武汉)地舆与信息工程学院空间信息系职责。在影相测量与遥感领域TOP期刊ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation, International Journal of Digital Earth, Remote Sensing以及国内测绘遥感领域等期刊发表学术论文19篇;主捏国度当然科学基金后生表情1项;参与国度当然科学基金重心表情、国度撑捏想象、国度重心研发想象重心专项表情等4项;获2021年湖北省博士后翻新辩论岗亭; 担任ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,International Journal of Remote Sensing,IEEE Access,ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information等期刊审稿东谈主。 辩论有趣:激光雷达林业遥感、丛林碳储量监测、三维点云数据智能责罚与诈欺等。主要辩论实质有不同遥感平台包括地基、背包、无东谈主机等多平台激光点云和会,丛林样地单木索要及结构参数忖度,丛林资源及生态监测,城市绿化耕作セフレ 巨乳,单木结构三维建模,植被孕育估量等。谷歌学术:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Pg3xGSUAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=aoResearch Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Wenxia_Dai 现在辩论生招生专科与标的:(1)学术型硕士:测绘科学与工夫(一级学科)- 舆图制图学与地舆信息工程(二级学科)(2)专科型硕士:资源与环境(不限专科标的)邮箱:daiwenxia@cug.edu.cn;523138163@qq.com;中国地质大学(武汉)地舆与信息工程学院摄取推免生公告及HPSCIL本质室招生信息:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/HA_4_TS3xljssSw3v5pPwQ 宽饶眷注高性能空间诡计智能辩论中心微信公众号:HPSCIL@CUG点云公开数据集(Benchmark):1.大地站激光点云配准公开数据集(WHU-TLS benchmark dataset by Wuhan University):?from=singlemessage&isappinstalled=02.大地站激光点云树木索要(International TLS benchmarking project by the Finish Geospatial Research Institute):https://laserscanning.fi/benchmarking-of-terrestrial-laser-scanning-methods-test-datasets-available/ 科研表情1.国度当然科学基金后生科学基金表情,同一多源遥感数据的丛林生物量精确忖度形势辩论,30万,2022.01-2024.12,主捏;2.中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金表情,20万,2020.09-2023.08,主捏;3.2021年湖北省博士后翻新辩论岗亭,6万,2021.09-2023.09,崇拜东谈主;4.横向表情,无东谈主机遥感估测丛林生物量和积存量辩论表情(广西壮族自治区当然资源遥感院),2020.01-2021.12,参与;5.国度重心研发想象重心专项表情,国产旷地全息三维遥感系统研制及产业化,一路向西电影国语版2016.07 - 2020.06,参与;6.国度当然科学基金重心表情,广义影像点云构建与多细节档次建模,2016.01-2019.12,参与.期刊论文1.Wenxia Dai, Yiheng Jiang, Wen Zeng*, Ruibo Chen, Yongyang Xu, Ningning Zhu, Wen Xiao, Zhen Dong, and Qingfeng Guan. "MDC-Net: a multi-directional constrained and prior assisted neural network for wood and leaf separation from terrestrial laser scanning." International Journal of Digital Earth 16, no. 1 (2023): 1224-1245.2.Wenxia Dai, Hongyang Kan, Renchun Tan, Bisheng Yang*, Qingfeng Guan, Ningning Zhu, Wen Xiao, and Zhen Dong. "Multisource forest point cloud registration with semantic-guided keypoints and robust RANSAC mechanisms." International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 115 (2022): 103105.3.Wenxia Dai, Qingfeng Guan*, Shangshu Cai, Rundong Liu, Ruibo Chen, Qing Liu, Chao Chen, and Zhen Dong. "A Comparison of the Performances of Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicle (UAV) and Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Forest Plot Canopy Cover Estimation in Pinus massoniana Forests." Remote Sensing, 14, no. 5 (2022): 1188.4.Wenxia Dai, Bisheng Yang*, Zhen Dong, Ahmed Shaker. 2018. A new method for 3D individual tree extraction using multispectral airborne LiDAR point clouds. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 144, 400-411.(SCI,影响因子7.319,中科院1区).5.Wenxia Dai, Bisheng Yang*, Xinlian Liang, Zhen Dong, Ronggang Huang, Yunsheng Wang, Wuyan Li. 2019. Automated fusion of forest airborne and terrestrial point clouds through canopy density analysis. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 156, 94-107.(SCI,影响因子7.319,中科院1区).6.Wenxia Dai, Bisheng Yang*, Xinlian Liang, Zhen Dong, Ronggang Huang, Yunsheng Wang, Jiri Pyörälä, Antero Kukko. 2020. Fast Registration of Forest Terrestrial Laser Scans Using Keypoints Detected from Crowns and Stems. International Journal of Digital Earth, 13(12), 1585-1603. (SCI,中科院2区).7.Bisheng Yang, Wenxia Dai*, Zhen Dong, Yang Liu. 2016. Automatic forest mapping at individual tree levels from terrestrial laser scanning point clouds with a hierarchical minimum cut method. Remote Sensing, 8(5), 372. (SCI,中科院 2 区).8.Bisheng Yang, Zhen Dong, Gang Zhao, Wenxia Dai. 2015. Hierarchical extraction of urban objects from mobile laser scanning data. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 99, 45-57. (SCI,影响因子7.319,中科院1区).9.Zhen Dong, Fuxun Liang, Bisheng Yang, Yusheng Xu, Yufu Zang, Jianping Li, Yuan Wang, Wenxia Dai, Hongchao Fan, Juha Hyyppä, Uwe Stillab. 2020. Registration of large-scale terrestrial laser scanner point clouds: A review and benchmark. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 163, 327-342. (SCI,影响因子7.319,中科院1区).10.Chi Chen, Bisheng Yang, Shuang Song, Mao Tian, Jianping Li, Wenxia Dai, Lina Fang. 2018. Calibrate multiple consumer RGB-D cameras for low-cost and efficient 3d indoor mapping. Remote Sensing, 10(2), 328. (SCI,中科院 2 区).11.Bisheng Yang, Ronggang Huang, Jianping Li, Mao Tian, Wenxia Dai, Ruofei Zhong. 2017. Automated reconstruction of building lods from airborne lidar point clouds using an improved morphological scale space. Remote Sensing, 9(1), 14. (SCI,中科院 2 区).12.Ronggang Huang, Bisheng Yang, Fuxun Liang, Wenxia Dai, Jianping Li, Mao Tian, Wenxue Xu. 2018. A top-down strategy for buildings extraction from complex urban scenes using airborne LiDAR point clouds. Infrared Physics & Technology, 92, 203-218. (SCI,中科院 3 区).13.林良彬,杨必胜, 代文霞,董震. 2015. 多视角林地大地激光点云自动化配准. 测绘地舆信息, 40(6): 86-89.14.洪镇填, 杨必胜, 董震, 代文霞. 2015. 基于大地激光扫描的快速成图要害工夫辩论.地舆信息寰宇, 22(3): 111-115.会议学术叙述1.Wenxia Dai, “A Probabilistic-Based Framework for Automatic Co-registration of Terrestrial and Airborne Point Clouds in Forest Areas”, the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2019, 7-12 April 2019, Vienna, Austria. (Oral).2.Zhen Dong, Wenxia Dai, Bisheng Yang, Yang Liu, 2015. An extended Min-Cut approach for individual tree extraction. The 9th International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology, 9-11 December 2015, Sydney, Australia.3.代文霞,基于最小割的林区 TLS 点云数据单株树木索要, 2015 年精确林(农)业筹谋要害工夫论坛,北京林业大学,中国,北京.